This is a packed issue. As we were playing around with themes and ways to highlight the best of Ventura County, we found ourselves awash in great ideas. Too many, by far, to fit into one edition — and believe...
One of the things I love about my job is the opportunity to connect with creative and talented individuals in our area. The people we write about are endlessly fascinating and unfailingly impressive, and my life has always been...
Okay. Yes. Technically, the solstice isn’t until June 20. And for those of us closer to the beach, there’s still plenty of cloud cover. And temperatures are less than balmy at the moment. But I am stubbornly refusing to keep...
Dreams deferred, when finally realized, are often the sweetest. Or so Sylvana Guidotti and Kevin Wells discovered. The house they owned in Ventura’s Skyline neighborhood had a lovely hillside location, but its architecture was much less inspiring than its views. The...
In 2024, women owning their own businesses is neither surprising nor uncommon. The National Association of Women Business Owners finds that of the 33.2 million small businesses in the United States, 43.2% are owned by women. And according to...
June Gloom is in full force right now, but I hope it is not dampening anyone’s summertime spirits. I, personally, am grateful for the clouds and marine layer which continue to add moisture to a landscape that was parched...
The Made in Ventura County issue is always one of my favorites on Ventana Monthly’s editorial calendar. It’s an opportunity to spotlight some of the most interesting artisans in the area, and there are always so many to choose...
I’m not one for New Year’s resolutions. I always think, if you’re looking to make a change, just go for it. And after a hectic holiday season, January, to me, feels more like a time to get back to...
In Southern California, as in most of the United States, much of the merrymaking that takes place this time of year is centered around Christmas. But many cultures and religions have their own winter celebrations. The reasons for these...
A friend in need is a friend indeed. It takes a village. Many hands make light work. No human is an island. If you want to go far, go together. These age-old bits of wisdom endure because despite the cliche…they remain...