Nancy D. Lackey Shaffer Live music is filling auditoriums, theaters are turning on the lights, festivals have resumed, films are back on the big screen and galleries are inviting the public in for art shows, workshops and classes . ....
At a time when travel continues to be curtailed, it might seem odd to put a glorious photo of Venice on our cover. We’re not trying to tease you, I promise! This is from a live-streamed tour put together by travel...
Summertime is here, and Ventura County is slowly opening up. Restaurants are welcoming diners in for table service (at a reduced capacity, with social distancing), people are starting to hit the beaches and trails more regularly, some are even...
– Nancy D. Lackey Shaffer W hat do you get when a renowned architect becomes his own client? A dream house of extraordinary vision, as seen on our cover. Scott Johnson created a “country house” in Ojai that is vastly different...
"You Just Go" By Nancy D. Lackey Shaffer ‘‘You really don’t think. You just go.” So sayeth Ed Wehan, a 75-years-young ultra-runner who is still going strong. He’s been running most of his life, but his best numbers he probably put up...
Experiences to Savor By Nancy D. Lackey Shaffer his is the time of year that I really start longing for unlimited funds, no obligations and endless amounts of time at my disposal. It’s an occupational hazard when the travel issue comes...