Making Moves

Photo by Viktor Budnik

I’m not one for New Year’s resolutions. I always think, if you’re looking to make a change, just go for it. And after a hectic holiday season, January, to me, feels more like a time to get back to normal, rather than a season for turning over a new leaf.
But for many, the new year does indeed present an opportunity for reflection and reinvention. And, much to my surprise, the stories this month have inspired me to do the same.
For example, after reading about Bike Ventura County (Cover Story) and all the programs the organization offers — courses in bicycle safety for kids, traffic skills for adults and bike repair for everyone — I have been considering making cycling a bigger part of my life. Maybe even replacing an old beater with something refurbished and sold at the Oxnard or Ventura Bike HUB.
Talking to Audrey Walzer of Camarillo-Somis Yoga and Mindfulness (Profile) has me rethinking movement. As a woman with a 50-something body, I’ve certainly noticed changes over the last few years…and not just because of quarantine. There are cricks and cracks, pains and stiffness that weren’t there before. Rather than trying to “power through” as is my habit, perhaps I should be slowing down and being more mindful about my movement. “It’s necessary to find balance as you age so you can keep doing the types of things you want to do all your life,” Walzer says, and I think there’s a lot of wisdom in that.
The interview with Kasey Kruft (Conversation) simply made me smile. The bubbly and gregarious owner of Sweet Peas Flowers and Gifts loves what she does so much, and is so passionate about being there for her community — her “people,” as she says — during their most special moments. Whether that’s a prom, a birthday, a wedding, a funeral or any other milestone event, she considers it her job to make others happy. With Valentine’s Day just around the corner, I just might brighten my sweetheart’s day with something from this Ventura-based vendor.
Maybe you’re someone who takes “new year, new you” to heart. Maybe you’re trying to add more joy, serenity or activity to your life. Maybe you just want to try something different. AND maybe everything is going swimmingly and no changes are called for, thank you very much. All good and well — follow your bliss! Whether you’re planning on making some moves in 2023 or not, I hope you’ll enjoy learning about these local movers and shakers, and find some wisdom and inspiration along the way.

– Nancy D. Lackey Shaffer